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Master Kadek
Master_KadekDate: Friday, 13 December 13, 9:54 AM | Message # 1
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Jedi Master Kadek

Name: Kit Kadek

Age: 62

Height: 6'1

Eye Color: Dark Green/Brown

Hair: Short, Black with Gray flecks.

Species: Human

Homeworld: Cerea

Occupation: Jedi Master

Notable features:
  • Well known example of a Jedi Sentinel.
  • Has a rocky relationship with the Jedi High Council but is very popular among the order.
  • Friendly and does not stand on ceremony or rank with anybody or anyone.
  • Honest to a fault.

Family: None

Relationships: None

Standard Weapon(s): Lightsaber (Yellow)

Lightsaber Specialism(s): Kadek's own Style (based upon using a bladed weapon alongside a deflector shield on his wrist, Kadek is formidable in combat, despite few seeing him fight), Form III (Soresu) - Complete Master of this form, Also well versed in Form II (Makashi). Familiar with the other forms.

Force Specialism(s): Noted for his Precognitive abilities, but also generally competent in his use of standard Jedi powers. Able to battle meditate, although he does not like the principle of controlling others, he has done so with his Ranger's permission before, also able to work with the Art of the Small to make atomic level changes, especially when forging tools and new devices.

Technology: Slicer Chip, Individual Field Disruptor, Bypass Card, Handcrafted Gauntlet Shield fitted to a gauntlet used in all appearance for falconry but really concealing the emitter, blue in colour, often a shock to enemies in saber combat (if it occurs), made as a result of his archaeological research.

Attire: Well made but standard Jedi robes as standard. Often relaxes and exercises naked. His cloak, handmade by a close friend is laced with armourweave. Occasionally wears two phrik shoulder pads as he was given them by a friend a long time ago...


Primary Lightsaber (created on ascension to the rank of Jedi Knight)

Dual Phase Saber (Yellow Blade), Bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse (underwater functioning), fitted with a charge nub that allows it to fit to many kinds of power source to recharge or operate rather like a protosaber (in theory).

Secondary Lightsaber

His first lightsaber, a green single phase single handed lightsaber. Kept in his safe on Sulon mostly.

Tertiary Lighsaber

Often when he has sensed a mission will be peaceful he will not even carry a deadly lightsaber, instead carrying a simple Training Saber, sometimes as a sign of good faith where he wishes it to be known he will not use force, and sometimes to guide him away from using violence.

Experiments (Always kept locked in his workshop's safe on Sulon)

Long Handled Lightsaber - (Pearl White Blade - Krayt Dragon Pearl Focusing crystal), after discovering a Krayt Dragon Pearl and capturing it from a nefarious individual he determined to integrate it into a lightsaber - and did so, but finding he had to use a longer than normal handle to fit the large pearl and also the additional power he wished to fit to it. It has the ability to activate and deactivate extremely rapidly making it a perfect weapon for Trakata.

Single Bladed lightsaber pike (Yellow Blade) with phrik handle (under lock and key at Sulon, made as a research project, has 20x the normal power life due to extended battery capacity).


At Birth - Detected and inducted into the Jedi Order, his mind is opened to the Force.

Age 3 - Initiated into the Jedi Order. Became a member of Bergruutfa Clan.

Age 11 - Taken as a Padawan by Master N'Kata Del Gormo

Age 19 - Knighted after passing the trials. Serves as Watchman for Sullust and Sulon.

Age 25 - Takes upon his first Padawan.

Age 27 - He would challenge the High Council for the first time, ordered not to act to stop widespread piracy and kidnapping into slavery from victims vessels in the Brema Sector he decided to conduct a mission to do so. With the assistance of his Padawan and the Antarian Rangers he was able to effectively stop the piracy and slave trading in the sector by hitting the biggest Slave Regional Fair (the Tuerto Annual Swapmeet), capturing a half dozen pirate capital ships, arresting dozens of pirates and slavers and freeing over three hundred slaves. After this increased his relationship with the Rangers and would occasionally undertake missions with them. He was applauded in the Order in general and the High Council passed a motion of thanks, after the event.

Age 29 - First Padawan passes the Knighthood Trials (despite Kadek objecting to him so quickly going for them).

Age 30 - Appointed to the Council of Reconciliation after completing training his first apprentice.

Age 31 - Takes second Padawan, a younger one this time.

Age 32 - Leads a diplomatic mission to help diffuse regional tensions on the Rimma Trade Route (without High Council Authorization). He and half a dozen other knights and masters met with dozens of local representatives and hashed out a set of customs and tariff rules agreed between eachother through his mediation. Again the High Council noticed his defiance.

Age 34 - Wrote a scholarly article for an internal publication criticizing involvement in the Mandalorian Excision as an example of supporting a morally wrong Genocide, was forced to answer to High Council who disagreed with his position, through eloquence and the will of the force, he was able to escape any censure by persuading so many of the Council of his rectitude that they were deadlocked, in the end the issue was dropped.

Age 35 - Dispatched himself with his Padawan to negotiate a truce in the Botor Dawferim war to allow humanitarian aid in and for the wounded to be treated, the cease fire continued for five years (although initially it was intended to last only one) until the perpetual conflict was renewed (much to his distress and the glee of his opponents on Coruscant).

Age 38 - Second Padawan takes the Trials of Knighthood, passing.

Age 40 - A division emerges between the Council of Reconciliation and members of the High Council, over the Order's non-diplomatic involvement with questionable operations.

Age 42 - A healthy debate goes on for two years, the Council of Reconciliation backs away from the debate for fear of causing dissent (as a powerful speaker and popular member of the Council of Reconciliation, many Jedi had approached him to question the High Council's unquestioning obedience to orders which sometimes seemed morally wrong) or schism within the Jedi Order. Kadek, in order to show his personal wish to avoid becoming a divisive force, resigns from the Council, and retakes his original posting as a Sentinel, that as Sentinel for Sullust and it's Moons.

Age 42-59 - Kadek would undertake a number of risky and unsanctioned missions, every time producing a positive outcome.

Several times ignoring direct orders from the High Council he would act to protect the innocent and do what was right. Saved the life of future chancellor Eixes Valorum without permission to follow his instincts to the site of the attack on Axum. After this he became a favourite with House Valorum and was regularly personally visited on Sulon by Eixes during his Chancellorship, he tried to guide the Chancellor and his Republic toward moderation where possible, action where it was required and to depend on the pen rather than the lightsaber.

Met the bounty hunter Durge and the rogue Jedi planning to kill the Mandalorian leader, as the group approached him to lead them, he counseled them to consider the path of peace and to help guide the Mandalore rather than destroy him. The group had more than half its number depart and return to the Jedi fold, although the extremists remaining continued their act of murder.

Met with members of Jedi Sects such as the Potentium, Corellian Jedi, Teepo Paladins and always gave them counsel he hoped was wise and usually directed them toward reuinification with the Jedi Order in general. Master Altis of the so called  "Altisian Jedi" came to meet with him, he met and discussed his beliefs with the man, sharing many of them but declining his offer to teach aboard the Chu'unthor he took to heart the firm belief that the Jedi Order should be open to all, force sensitive or no, absorbing a Universalist view of the Force that the Jedi teachings could help anyone and the mainstream order was at times elitist or discriminatory; he rarely aired such views however.

Addressed the Almas Council a good few times, approving of much he saw there.

Participated in several Archaeological digs. Twice countering Jedi Shadows (though never harming them) when they sought to purge information relating to the Sith from the record.

Age 59 - After busting a large smuggling ring on Sulon, with the aid of Lieutenant Nintra and a platoon of the Antarian Rangers, he was popularly lauded in his absence. Persuades the Sulon Authorities to provide funding for the Rangers to have a base on the world, which Nintra still commands.

Age 60 - Takes on a third Padawan, after discussions with his friends on Coruscant, that his protracted self-imposed exile might be worthy and noble but was not fair on the many Apprentices who went without Masters due to such exiles. As such he travelled to Coruscant and recruited the young Padawan he now has.

Age 61 - Continued to watch devlopments in the neighbouring Seswenna Sector with worry. Noting feelings of negativity and hearing rumours of a rising religion.

Age 62 - Dispatched himself against orders to a Convention on Eriadu to annul a law relating to the Jedi, as the Jedi Council had lacked the leadership to get involved itself. He there made some radical proposals in addition to dismissing many arguments against the Jedi, protecting the Republic and Jedi from the threat of nullification as best he could.

Jedi Master Kadek

Master Sentinel, Jedi Order
Watchman of Sullust

Message edited by Master_Kadek - Friday, 13 December 13, 1:32 PM
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